Software Security Course Work - Taint Analysis
Tools: Python
source code
This tool analyses python code slices and reports on illegal information flows by performing Taint Analysis, a form of Static Analysis. It was developed as a Software Security course project by me and Tchiclas
The following code slice contains lines of code which may impact a data flow between a certain entry point and a sensitive sink. The variable request (which for intuition can be seen as the request parameter of a Django view), is uninstantiated, and can be understood as an entry point. It uses the MySQLCursor.execute() method, which executes the given database operation query.
uname = retrieve_uname(request)
q = cursor.execute("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE user='%s'" % uname)
The tool essentially searches for certain vulnerable patterns in the slices. All patterns have 4 elements:
name of vulnerability (e.g., SQL injection) a set of entry points (e.g., request parameter), a set of sanitization functions (e.g., escape_string), and a set of sensitive sinks (e.g., execute).
The program signals potential vulnerabilities and sanitization efforts: If it identifies a possible data flow from an entry point to a sensitive sink (according to the inputted patterns), it signals a potential vulnerability; if the data flow passes through a sanitization function, it signals it as only potentially vulnerable (since the sanitzation might be innefective).
Running the tool
$> python3 -h
usage: python parse slice.json [--config config.json]
to be continued
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG
The slice.json file should corresponds to the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of the slice to be analysed. Slice:
uname = retrieve_uname(request)
q = cursor.execute("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE user='%s'" % uname)
"ast_type": "Module",
"body": [
"ast_type": "Assign",
"col_offset": 0,
"lineno": 1,
"targets": [
"ast_type": "Name",
"col_offset": 0,
"ctx": {
"ast_type": "Store"
"id": "uname",
"lineno": 1
"value": {
"args": [
"ast_type": "Name",
"col_offset": 23,
"ctx": {
"ast_type": "Load"
"id": "request",
"lineno": 1
"ast_type": "Call",
"col_offset": 8,
"func": {
"ast_type": "Name",
"col_offset": 8,
"ctx": {
"ast_type": "Load"
"id": "retrieve_uname",
"lineno": 1
"keywords": [],
"lineno": 1
"ast_type": "Assign",
"col_offset": 0,
"lineno": 2,
"targets": [
"ast_type": "Name",
"col_offset": 0,
"ctx": {
"ast_type": "Store"
"id": "q",
"lineno": 2
"value": {
"args": [
"ast_type": "BinOp",
"col_offset": 19,
"left": {
"ast_type": "Str",
"col_offset": 19,
"lineno": 2,
"s": "SELECT pass FROM users WHERE user='%s'"
"lineno": 2,
"op": {
"ast_type": "Mod"
"right": {
"ast_type": "Name",
"col_offset": 62,
"ctx": {
"ast_type": "Load"
"id": "uname",
"lineno": 2
"ast_type": "Call",
"col_offset": 4,
"func": {
"ast_type": "Attribute",
"attr": "execute",
"col_offset": 4,
"ctx": {
"ast_type": "Load"
"lineno": 2,
"value": {
"ast_type": "Name",
"col_offset": 4,
"ctx": {
"ast_type": "Load"
"id": "cursor",
"lineno": 2
"keywords": [],
"lineno": 2
The config file provides the vulnerability patterns:
{"vulnerability": "SQL injection",
"sources": ["get", "get_object_or_404", "QueryDict", "ContactMailForm", "ChatMessageForm"],
"sanitizers": ["mogrify", "escape_string"],
"sinks": ["execute"]},
{"vulnerability":"SQL injection",
"sources":["QueryDict", "ContactMailForm", "ChatMessageForm", "copy", "get_query_string"],
"sanitizers":["mogrify", "escape_string"],
"sinks":["raw", "RawSQL"]},
"sources":["get", "get_object_or_404", "QueryDict", "ContactMailForm", "ChatMessageForm"],
The tool provides a log of the previously mentioned events, and the backtrace of the involved variable’s state throughout the AST.