
Posted on Sep 13, 2021

Points: 484 (dynamic)

Solves: 53


We have a very safe core with a very safe enclave



We are given a file that is running on the server that reads user input and stores it in a ram.hex file. The server then uses vvp (Icarus Verilog vvp runtime engine) to run a compiled SystemVerilog file called nco.

For debugging, you can install the iverilog compiler, which compiles SystemVerilog source files to vvp assembly, which can then be executed by vvp.

You can compile SystemVerilog with the following command:

iverilog -g2009 -o nco ncore_tb.v

The -g2009 flag informs the compiler of the language generation to support, being SystemVerilog supported since g2009.

Verilog VM

We are also given the file ncore_tb.v containing the Verilog source code.

Reading through the code we can see that it implements a sort of VM that runs commands stored in its ram, which the user provides.

The VM’s structures are the following:

safe_rom - 256 byte array 
ram      - 256 byte array
key      - 32 bit array
emode    - 1 bit
regfile  - array with 4 32-bit entries

The startup sequence looks like this:

    begin: initial_block
        emode = 0;
        // after 1500000 time units, call print_res
    end :initial_block
  • init_regs - initializes the 4 registers in regfile to 0
  • set_key - reads 32 bits from /dev/urandom and stores it in key
  • load_safeROM - reads the contents of a file called flag.txt into safe_rom
  • load_ram - reads the contents of the ram.hex file into ram.
  • print_res - print the last 64 bytes of ram


The main loop of the VM is parsing the user-provided ram for instructions.

The instructions are 2 bytes long and the opcode is always the first 4 bits.

These instructions can be used:

ADD (opcode 0)

regfile[DD] = regfile[R1] + regfile[R2]; pc += 2;
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 0000DDR1R2------

INC (opcode 12)

regfile[DD] = regfile[DD] + 1 ; pc += 2;
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 1100DD----------

SUB (opcode 1)

regfile[DD] = regfile[R1] - regfile[R2]  ; pc += 2;
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 0000DDR1R2------

MOVF (opcode 5)

regfile[DD] = ram[RAM_ADDR] ; pc += 2;
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 0101DD--RAM_ADDR

MOVFS (opcode 13)

  • Only in emode
regfile[DD] = safe_rom[FLAGADDR] ; pc += 2;
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 1101DD--FLAGADDR

MOVT (opcode 6)

ram[RAM_ADDR] = regfile[DD][0:7] ; pc += 2;
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 0110DD--RAM_ADDR

JGT (opcode 9)

pc = regfile[r1] > regfile[r2] ? RAM_ADDR : pc+2 
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 1001R1R2RAM_ADDR

JEQ (opcode 10)

pc = regfile[r1] == regfile[r2] ? RAM_ADDR : pc+2
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 1010R1R2RAM_ADDR

JMP (opcode 11)

pc = ram[RAM_ADDR] ; 
idx:     0123456701234567
content: 1011----RAM_ADDR

ENT (opcode 7)

if key[0:13] == regfile[0]:
    emode = 1
    regfile[3] = 0
    regfile[3] = 1

pc += 2;

idx:     0123456701234567
content: 0111------------

EXT (opcode 8)

emode = 0 ; pc += 2

idx:     0123456701234567
content: 1000--------

Extracting the Flag

  • We cannot access the safe_rom where the flag is stored unless emode = 1
  • emode is set to 1 if regfile[0] contains the first 14 bits of secret key obtained from /dev/urandom.

The plan:

  1. Brute force the first 14 bits of the key by repeatedly calling ENT with regfile[0] = 1..2^14
  2. When regfile[3] == 1 stop the brute force
  3. Write the content of safe_rom in the last 64 bytes of ram
  4. Wait for timeout

The Solution

def code_at(ram, addr, code):
    ram[addr]   = p8(code[0])
    ram[addr+1] = p8(code[1])
def go():
    s = remote(HOST, PORT)
    ram = [b'\x00' for i in range(256)]

    # create an infinite loop
    code_at(ram, 150, JMP(154))
    code_at(ram, 154, JMP(150))

    # try to enter emode (reg0 == key? reg3 = 1 else reg3 = 0)
    code_at(ram, 0, ENT())
    code_at(ram, 2, JEQ(8, 2, 3))
    code_at(ram, 4, INC(0))
    code_at(ram, 6, JMP(0))

    # hardcode the flag leakage instructions for simplicity
    pc = 8
    for i in range(0, 32):
        code_at(ram, pc, MOVFS(2, i))
        pc += 2
        code_at(ram, pc, STORE(2, 255-i))
        pc += 2

    # jump to infinite loop and wait for timeout
    code_at(ram, pc, JMP(150))

    # separate each character by a space
    bytestrm = " ".join([c.hex() for c in ram])

    s.sendlineafter(b'WELCOME', bytestrm)


Running the script, the server outputs the following:

66 6c 61 67 7b 64 30 6e 54 5f 6d 45 53 73 5f 77 69 54 68 5f 74 48 65 5f 73 43 68 4c 41 6d 69 7d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

From which we can decode the flag: flag{d0nT_mESs_wiTh_tHe_sChLAmi}

The full solution can be found in