Home About


I’m an MSc in Computer Science and Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico. Currently a PhD student at the Security & Privacy Research Unit at TU Wien. I am interested in Computer Security, Reverse Engineering and all things low-level. In my free time, I play CTF competitions (Capture The Flag) and try to learn as much as I can about my main interests: Binary Exploitation, Reverse Engineering and Web Security.

I have always been fascinated by computers and started programming at age 16, while in high school and have been doing it ever since. At first, I was most interested in Game and Graphics Programming as well as developing projects for the Arduino.
At the end of my first year in university I discovered Cybersecurity and the world of Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions and I was instantly hooked! Who doesn’t want to be a “hacker”, right?

I am a member of the Security Team @Técnico student group/CTF Team and take every chance I get to play the competitions and improve my skills.


Technical Skills

(under construction)